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Contact Mr Khatwa
How to contact ENT South West
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You can contact ENT South West by calling Mr Khatwa's secretary for your preferred location.

Call Jodie for Exeter Nuffield on 01392 262160
Call Sam for Plymouth Nuffield on 01752 761846

Please call us ASAP if you wish to rearrange or cancel an appointment.

Alternatively get in touch online by completing the form below:

Contact us by filling in the form and we will get back to you.

  • Your details:

  • Please insert your email address
  • Please provide a telephone or mobile number
  • Please let us know what treatment you are enquiring about:
  • Please let us know the best location for you:
  • Most convenient way to contact you

  • How did you hear about ENT South West?

  • Tick the box to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

South West ENT Consultations with Mr Khatwa, Consultant Surgeon in Exeter, Plymouth & Devon

Get in touch today for fast, effective diagnosis and treatment with ENT Consultant Mr Khatwa

Call Jodie for Exeter Nuffield on 01392 262160Call Sam for Plymouth Nuffield on 01752 761846Get in touch online
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