Sleep Apnoea is when you stop breathing during sleep. The sleep Apnoea which occurs in snorers is called obstructive sleep Apnoea because the throat actually blocks while you are sleeping. Sufferers can be seen to be struggling for air and tend to wake with a loud grunt or snort. Sometimes they actually hear their own snoring and if a snorer is waking himself up at night, it is often because of sleep Apnoea.
Sleep Apnoea and snoring are part of the same condition. Bad snorers tend to develop sleep Apnoea. The five important factors in snoring also apply to sleep Apnoea. However, occasional stopping of breathing during sleep is not unusual. This can happen up to four times an hour and not be important, but if it is happening regularly and causing sleep disturbance and tiredness, it may well be significant.
If you are overweight for your height, you should set about losing the weight. If you go and see Mr Khatwa about snoring and you are overweight, the first advice you will receive is to lose weight.
If you drink any alcohol, consider the amount you drink and the effect it has on your snoring. Try avoiding alcohol and noting the effect it has on your snoring.
If you smoke, consider giving this up and expecting a benefit. Please be aware that stopping smoking does not result in weight gain.
Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder in which breathing is interrupted during sleep. This can lead to a number of health problems, including fatigue, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
There are a number of treatment options for sleep apnoea, depending on the severity of the condition and the individual's preferences. The most common treatment options include: